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Our Approach

Transforming HR Operations with our ALIGN HR Framework


At QualiFixe, we understand the complexities and challenges that organizations face when implementing HR technology. That's why we've developed the ALIGN HR Framework – a comprehensive and strategic approach designed to ensure smooth, efficient, and successful HR technology adoption. Here’s how we use the ALIGN HR Framework to help companies transform their HR operations:


It begins with a critical (A)ssessment of the Current State, where the organization's HR processes, policies, and existing systems are thoroughly evaluated. This phase identifies inefficiencies and gaps, engaging key stakeholders from across HR, IT, and business units to gather insights. A detailed inventory of the existing systems is created to highlight areas in need of improvement, all with the aim of aligning the HR technology goals to broader business objectives.


Once the current state is understood, we move to (L)everage Industry Insights and Best Practices. This phase is driven by market research, where emerging HR technology trends and solutions are explored. Benchmarking against competitors and industry leaders helps identify the best practices that can be adopted. With this knowledge, a shortlist of potential vendors is developed, and a high-level HR technology roadmap is created, prioritizing the critical functionalities that will support the organization’s strategic HR initiatives.


The next phase, (I)ntegrate Solutions and Systems, focuses on designing the future system architecture. Here, the organization ensures that the new HR system seamlessly integrates with existing platforms like payroll, finance, and ERP systems. Attention is given to data migration and ensuring interoperability between systems. Additionally, HR processes are realigned and, where necessary, re-engineered to fully utilize the automation capabilities of the new system, leading to greater efficiency and streamlined workflows.


Governance and change management are essential for any major system deployment, and (G)overn the Project and Establish Change Management provides a structured approach. A governance framework is established to oversee the entire project, with clearly defined roles, responsibilities, and decision-making authority. A comprehensive change management strategy is put in place, ensuring that all stakeholders are on board, while potential risks are proactively identified and mitigated to prevent disruptions.


With governance in place, we move forward to (N)avigate Implementation. This phase breaks the deployment process into manageable steps using agile project management methods. Testing is crucial, and a User Acceptance Testing (UAT) process is conducted to ensure the system functions as expected. A pilot phase is implemented, allowing a small group of users to test the system in real-world scenarios, providing invaluable feedback for final adjustments before full deployment.


As the system goes live, it’s critical to (H)armonize System and Culture. This phase ensures that the organization’s workforce is fully equipped to use the new HR system through comprehensive training programs. Training is offered in various formats to cater to different learning styles, and ongoing support is provided to users. Additionally, this phase focuses on aligning the new system with the organization’s culture, addressing any resistance by emphasizing how the system will enhance employee experience and overall business efficiency.


Finally, after deployment, the organization enters the (R)efine, Optimize, and Review phase. A post-implementation review is conducted to assess whether the system is meeting its initial objectives. Feedback from users is gathered to identify areas for improvement. The system is continuously optimized, and key performance indicators (KPIs) such as user adoption rates, process efficiencies, and return on investment (ROI) are measured. This ongoing review ensures that the HR system remains effective and evolves with the organization’s needs.

Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V)

To ensure the highest standards of quality and compliance, we incorporate Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) into the process. Our IV&V activities include regular reviews and audits, compliance checks, and User Acceptance Testing (UAT). By validating that the system meets all requirements and performs as expected, we provide an additional layer of assurance.


The Result: Seamless HR Technology Implementation and Continuous Improvement

By following the ALIGN HR Framework, we help organizations implement HR technology seamlessly, ensuring efficiency, stakeholder engagement, and continuous improvement. Our comprehensive approach transforms your HR operations, aligning them with your strategic goals and driving long-term success.


At QualiFixe, we’re committed to turning your HR technology challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation. Let us help you navigate the complexities of HR tech implementation with confidence and expertise.


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